Ipython — Jupyter — Scientific Library
Howto Install and Start Using

ipython is an excellent and easy way to implement rapidly and nicely some of the techniques we learned during the lecture. The main advantages of Python are the following:

I won’t discuss in details why, some did it better than I would ever do there or there. There are many other alternatives, but to my mind none of them does have all the advantages listed above yet – perhaps in the next future with Julia for instance that also can run in ipython notebook. In any cases, this is really by far better than Matlab – we hate the dinosaur Matlab with its painful and expensive closed source business – see here or here.

At the end of this page, you can find the explanation how to install it.

If you are new to Python, I advise you to follow the online course at codeacademy. After registration you can choose to follow the python course.

After that, try playing around with tutorial ipython notebooks that you can download on your computer and use. For instance Patrick Varilly produced a series of notebooks to learn how to manipulate data, use the libraries and plot things. Learning by doing is the better way.

You will make a lot of use of numpy and scipy as well as matplotlib, the library for scientific programing. Here also, learn by the examples – in particular for plots there are thousands of them. However, if you need exact documentation about one or the other function, look at numpy reference,scipy reference or matplotlib reference.

Couple of tutorials:

More advanced courses:

Finally, there are many ipython notebooks online where you can learn about different topic. Here is a – not fully up to date – list of notebooks classified by topics.

BE AWARE: that there are some small differences between Python 2 and 3, the main one being

print “Hello” # for python 2
print(“Hello”) # for python 3

So if you download a notebook, it may happen that it is not fully compatible with your version so you will have to debug a little bit.


The easiest way to get Python together with all the useful libraries as well as the GUI interfaces is to install Anaconda

You’re a Micro$$oft Windows user:

  1. Download the Anaconda installer for windows by choosing Python 3.4 and the version for your computer 32-bits or 64-bits.
  2. Double click on the downloaded file, follow instructions
  3. Once installed, launch the program anaconda command line and type

    pip install seaborn

  4. You can now run the program Ipyhon notebook that will open ipython in your browser

You’re a Mac O$$X user:

  1. Download the Anaconda installer for linux by choosing Python 3.4 and the version for your computer 32-bits or 64-bits.
  2. Double click on the downloaded file, follow instructions
  3. Once installed, launch the program anaconda command line and type

    pip install seaborn

  4. You can now run the program Ipyhon notebook that will open ipython in your browser

You’re a linux user (Ubuntu distribution \(\geq\) 14.04)

You can also install anaconda the same way as above. However you can also set up a virtual environment to isolate what you are doing from the rest of the system as follows:

copy paste in terminal (ctrl+alt+t)

sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev g++ libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev

Then install globally virtual environment by typing

sudo pip install -y virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

and create a virtualenv in the directory ipython where you will be working

virtualenv –no-site-packages ipython

Activate the virtualenv

cd ipython
source ./bin/activate

And then install what is needed

pip install numpy scipy matplotlib ipython[all] patsy pandas statmodels scikit-learn seaborn

That’s pretty much it, close the terminal.

Inside the directory IPyhton, you can create a directory _notebook where you will store and organize your notebooks. To run ipython from this directory you go in a terminal, activate the virtual environment, move to the directory _notebook, and run ipython notebook:

cd ipython
source ./bin/activate
cd _notebook
ipython notebook